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What is Angel Tree Camping?

We are excited about our partnership with Angel Tree. Angel Tree Prison Fellowship has a Christmas program, where they give kids of incarcerated parents Christmas presents. This organization allows children who have parents/stepparents/siblings that are incarcerated to attend our camping program for FREE. If this is your camper or you live in the same household as someone whose parents are incarcerated- you qualify for this program. Click Register Now to start the registration process. Sign up and follow the prompts. Angel Tree Campers are eligible to sign up for both Adventure Camp & Horse Lovers. If you need any help call 419-938-3715. Find out more information about our programs at Learn more about Angel Tree Camping.


  • Child of incarcerated parent/step-parent/siblings who are a part of the Angel Tree Program
    • Has received gifts during Christmas from the Angel Tree Prison Fellowship, a participant in the program
    • Or notified by Angel Tree Prison Fellowship or us about eligibility
  • A child who lives in the same household as Angel Tree Child (includes foster care and other homes). The Angel Tree Child must attend camp in the same season. Once the child is no longer in the household or ineligible for camp, the other campers do not qualify for the Angel Tree Program
  • Parent/ Stepparent should be currently incarcerated. If the parent/stepparent is no longer incarcerated, then to qualify you must have attended a previous year of camp here at Pleasant Hill.
  • Ages 6-15 years old
  • Note: Salvation Army/Walmart Angel Tree programs are separate and not affiliated with the Angel Tree Camp Program.

How to Sign up any eligible child:

  1. Click Register Now
  2. Register your child
  3. Choose a week that best fits your schedule
  4. Click Also Click Here if Angel Tree.
  5. At the bottom of that page, it says “Add a discount”, click there and put “ANGELTREE” in the box(you will have to repeat this process for every camper you register.  This should lower the price to $25 per child, which is the deposit for the child.
    1. This deposit is not refundable.
    2. If there are many children from the same household, and there are concerns about paying multiple deposits. Please contact the camp & we will be happy to work something out!
    3. If you want to sign your child up for a specialty program (e.g. Horse Lovers), Angel Tree funds up to $600, therefore you would have to pay whatever the difference is and there will be no money added to the camper’s camp store
  6. Continue the Registration process: Do not add a Chad Shack deposit unless you would like to add more than $25 to the camper’s account. Our camp policy is that Chad Shack deposits are nonrefundable; anything not used is donated to the camp.
  7. Fill out the Angel Tree Form (this will be added to the registration shortly). Fill out all information that is required, and with the most correct information-doing so allows us to receive the scholarships.
  8. When you reach payment options, click: Please select this if you are an Angel Tree Camper: You must click this option to skip the otherwise mandatory deposit of $100 (Do not pay this!). 
  9. Your balance should show as $25/per camper unless you added any add-ons (like a Care Package or a specialty camp program. You may pay online or send a check 3 weeks prior to the start of your camp. We have a cashless check-in process and will not accept cash at registration.
  10. You are registered for camp! If you need any help or have questions, email [email protected] or call 419-938-3715 and we will be happy to help!