Adventure Camp Overview (Ages 7 – 12)
Join us from Sunday to Friday for our action-packed adventure as we enjoy Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp’s most popular camp session! Activities include but are not limited to zip-line, rock wall, mountain bikes, mountain boards, and tons of other camp classics. Brace yourselves, because this week will be the talk of the dinner table for months to come.
Camp check-in is on Sunday around 3 p.m.-5 pm. Check your confirmation email for your specific arrival time. It is also in the Prepare for Camp Guide.
Our closing ceremony (open to camper families) & check-out is on Friday staring at 4 p.m. Pick up starts promptly at 4:30 p.m.
Camp Dates
- Term 1: June 22 -27
- Term 2:July 6 – 11
- Term 3: July 13 – 18
- Term 4: July 20 – 25 (Carnival Week🎡🎪🎠)
*Adventure Camp does qualify for the Angel Tree Program

Pricing & Scholarship Options:
Full Price: $495/week
Early Bird (Register by April 15): $470
*In order to receive this discount, you must register and make a deposit of $100 before the deadline
Click Here to find out more about our Scholarship Options!
Typical Adventure Camp Daily Schedule
7:15 am Rise and shine
7:45 am Morning Exercises
Fun songs and silly stretching get us ready for an active day.
8:00 am Breakfast
Usually a hot breakfast like pancakes, eggs, and sausage, etc… Of course, there is always cereal, juice, and milk, too.
8:30 am Ignite (Morning Worship)
Our Chapel Coordinator and Staff lead our campers in morning worship and a lesson for the day.
9:00 am Cabin Clean-Up and Prepare for the Day
Campers return to their cabin to tidy up and clean. This activity promotes ownership and responsibility. They will also decorate their cabins based on daily themes (usually based on Bible stories & topics). Their cabins will be judged by our secret ninjas on cleanliness, neatness, and creativity.
10:00 – 12:00 pm Activity Rotations
Campers attend morning activities along with their cabin mates and counselors. This provides a chance for friendships to develop as everyone tries new things together. It also allows campers to decide which activities they would like to spend more time with later in the day. These activities may include archery, zip line, mountain biking/boards, and other activities.
12:15 pm Lunch
We eat a nutritious lunch cooked by our wonderful Kitchen Director. Cabin clean-up scores are announced, and camper mail and emails are delivered.
1:00 pm FOB (Flat on Bunk)
Campers head back to the cabin for some rest and relaxation.
2:15 pm Lake Time
This time is an opportunity for campers to swim and enjoy our lake area.
4:00 pm Free Time (Camp Store Open)
Campers may choose from any activity open (which may vary and differ), and they may move freely between these activities. Open activities may include mountain biking, slip n slide, gaga, camp store, archery, carpet ball, crafts, and more. Our Chadshack is also open during this time offering snacks and PHOC apparel to our campers.
5:30 pm Dinner
6:30 pm All Camp
The program team facilitates a camp-wide group activity for EVERY camper and staff member. This may include our field games, water games, and PHOC GOT TALENT, dance parties, and more.
7:30 Snack
We supply campers with some time to enjoy some snacks & use the restroom before our chapel.
8:00 pm Evening Chapel
Each day closes by focusing on the ways Jesus cares for us. From crazy camp songs and funny skits to worship music and meaningful dramas, this interactive learning time helps each of us pursue a stronger relationship with our Creator.
8:45 pm Cabin Devotions
Once everyone is in bed, campers each share something they loved or learned during their day. Then, the cabin spends a few minutes praying for each other and others. Cabin staff may share a story, sing, or play music to help campers sleep.
9:00 pm Showers + Bed Prep
Back at the cabin, campers prepare for bed with final drinks of water, showers, bathroom use, tooth brushing, fluffing of pillows, and any other preparations necessary to ensure that everyone is comfortably settled in for the night.
10:00 pm Lights Out
Our camp staff help campers go to bed. This may include quieting them down with a story or some music.
Thing to Know
- Each week we plan Cabin Night Out, where campers get a chance to experience outdoor. We go to our outdoor activity area, food is cooked over a fire, play an outdoor activity, and have a chapel in nature. Those in adventure camp return to their cabin, while teen campers enjoy a night outdoors.
- We believe that camp should grow with our campers. The activities available to your camper vary based on age, cabin, availability, and program. For example, mountain boarding is open to our younger cabins, whereas mountain biking is open to our older cabins. Furthermore, activities like our high ropes and canoeing are usually reserved for our teen adventure program.
- Whether it rains all week, thunderstorms, or whatever- We will try our best to still deliver Summer’s Best Adventure!