Dear Friends of Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp, The past six months of the Covid-19 pandemic have been difficult, challenging and a bit thrilling at camp.  We are hopeful that you and those you love are settling into a new routine this f all and are able to incorporate some of your favorite activities back into your life. Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp was one of a few camps in this area that held camp sessions this summer.  We felt called as a camp to offer a place where campers could come, be with friends, get back to nature, and experience God in new and exciting ways, despite the circumstances happening around us.  Throughout the summer, we were able to safely deliver camp to 108 kids for four weeks out of five planned weeks of our summer program. Volunteers also were able to build a new bathroom structure at the activity area to better support our programs in that area.  While our camper numbers were restricted due to safety protocols, we saw God alive and working in the lives of our campers and staff like never before!  Many of these campers were first time attendees at PHOC

“Camp helped her understand why it is so important to be a Christian.  Camp was a huge step forward mentally for our daughter and we can’t thank you enough.”    -2020 camper parent

Hosting camp during a pandemic comes with its own unique challenges and added expenses, but we at PHOC are so thankful we could provide a safe experience.  While reflecting on the positive spiritual and social impact we had on those who attended, we excitedly look to the future and anticipate the continued kingdom growth!  We are currently planning for summer 2021 and how we can serve our new and returning families. Unfortunately, the fiscal pressures of the pandemic have greatly impacted camp.   A large portion of our revenue is generated from summer camp and retreat fees.  Due to the pandemic our spring retreat season was cancelled, with many groups rescheduling for 2021.  Our summer camp numbers and income were also affected due to higher costs associated with meeting health department regulations required to run camp safely.  This fall has seen a very light retreat season with most of our larger groups shifting to spring.  We have cut costs where we could due to the inactivity, but there remains a tremendous shortfall of funds to cover our fixed operating expenses.  Over the course of the next few months, we need to raise $50,000 to keep us sustainable into 2021 and to handle the expected surge in business later in 2021 as the pandemic fades. We have two anonymous donors who have stepped forward and are willing to participate in a “matching challenge”.  For every dollar received toward the goal of $50,000, together these donors will match up to $25,000, if we end up raising $100,000 they will match $50,000.   The end date for this challenge will be December 31, 2020.

We know that the community values the role of PHOC in impacting campers for Christ, helping them find their strengths and joy in nature.  If you are in a financial position to support our camp mission, we are humbly asking for your help and prayers.  Your donation will make our 2021 planning a reality during this time of crisis. Yours in Christ, Matthew Grant, Director P.S. We now have the ability to receive donations in the form of stock securities.  With the surging stock market, we may be able to generate substantial tax savings for you with a donation via this method.  Please contact me at (614) 560-6631 (cell) to discuss this option or any other questions you may have.